
my 1st year as a "Nana."

Learn to Earn

Saturday, January 14, 2006

This can be addictive

It amazes me how sucked in one becomes on a PC and Internet. I attack this key board like there is a really possiblity of finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I search for ways to learn how to get people to come to the site of my blog as if i would like to become famous or imfamous.

I realize that I do not have the content yet for that, but I am putting myself out there. Stop. I need to get something to eat. Breakfast and lunch time have since gone with my cup of coffee upon rising at 9 AM. I'll be back; I'm saving this as a draft at this moment.----------

I am back. The inter-workings of this web and directions to do this or that are for the most part vague. I feel like I am muddling through things, and my guess it that this is the addictive nature of technology. Muddling through things is a valid exploit; however, it is most inefficient. If I were a rich person, I would hire someone to cut through the mire and help me get exactly where I want or need to be. In the mean time, I feel like a junky, searching from link to link to get a fix: to fix my profile on this site, to get more hits on this site, to link to other sites and have them linked to mine. The time is killing me, but then, time is all I have. This is a choice.

I could choose to purge and organize paper files, do my will or tax prep, clean... etc. It is cold and very windy here in the AV and rainy in OC (where my loved one is); so it makes sense to me to do this instead of watching TV. My friends are not on line this fine day. So, I am here at home in the peace & quiet. If this is an addiction, at least I can be thankful that I am not in the gutter in this inclement weather. The cost for this fix is nominal to my phone bill--no where near the price for crack or cocaine. I will need to temper this when I go back to work, and not use it to procrastinate. Seeing how I don't have cable nor subscribe to the paper, this junk ain't a bad thing. It is a learning device. I just would like to get where I could quit my day job to do this, and start a night job doing dance.

Now dance would be an addiction worth having if I could get paid for it and create jobs for other people. At any rate, I seem to be obsessing about this and that: this, blogging stuff and that, getting a dance studio.

Thank you, those of you who are reading this. So far I have made 35 cents. It's a start. I hope someone stays with me to see how this and that evlove.

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