
my 1st year as a "Nana."

Learn to Earn

Friday, January 06, 2006

I just stumbled on it.

I am a teacher who is nearing retirement (say 7 years from now). I will need to have a retirement career. I have contemplated being a writer, but it seems daunting a task to make more than a dime for my time. I had read an article about a teacher who transitioned from his day job to blogging all of the time via the advertisements that get hit on his page generate enough income now. "Wow"is all I have to say.

Lo, and behold, I found a way to get advertisements on my blogging page. How much one gets paid per hit is unknown to me at this time. But, I figured that it is not a bad start. I hope you don't find this offensive but a person has to do something to survive.

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