
my 1st year as a "Nana."

Learn to Earn

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Snail's Pace

Oh my, it has been way too long since I have blogged. Forgive me. (As if, I have readers out there.) I suppose it is highly forgivable since one has to earn a living and life takes over living (or living takes over life). However, I should have hope that someday I could make a living out of writing. I put it off more times than I ought to. I think the movie about Julie and Julia, as well as the recent Trump Blog has me a little inspired. Besides the fact that I am between teaching contracts, it is no surprise that the last time I really blogged was August of 2008 just about the time I got contract for the school year. So there is my batting averge: 1:12 months? 'Sad for someone who has a lot to offer. I would like to make a committment to this but keep thinking I should be making money somewhere. Maybe that is the wrong approach. Maybe I should just blog for the sake of writing. Journaling as if it will help me is recommended by many a self-help books. 'Lord knows I have enough of them. At any rate, I logggged in today, if anything to remember my username and password.

Hope is the key to my dreams. I musn't give up hope. Hope will help me find my way. "Today is the first day of the rest of my life," someone said somewhere.

At a recent teaching interview the last question was "Name the last three books I had read." I just about choked, as I am not a big book reader. The last one I remember reading was The Five People You Meet in Heaven which I am glad I read because it was a tear jerker (the movie did not move me in that way). Then I was stumped. I started racking my brain thinking of how I read more magazines than books. So I told the interview pair that I was not a big fan of fiction and that I read a lot more self-help books. Even then the titles escaped me, so I started rattling off authors' names: Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, and one author whom I met, Dennis Waitley who wrote the book The Psychology of Winning. Knowing the interviewers were pressed for time, I did not get a chance to tell them that Dennis was MaryLou Rettan's psych-coach who helped her durning the Olympics. I did not dare tell them that I met him at a Trump Seminar and that I have a lot of Donald Trump's books and Robert Kywosaki's book.

So, I just said, "I hope self-help books count." They said something to the effect that they did. When I started naming authors with confidence, they started writing as fast as I was talking. So I could not have done too bad, and I do believe they recognized the names of these authors. If anything, it was a way of letting them know that I am into psychology and what makes people tick which is an important skill for a teacher to possess.

This leads me to say that I need to committ to something. I would like to commit to writing but I have not been able to keep that promise even to myself. I think of all the things I want to write and feel daunted. I should thing small and tackle one writing project at a time. If I could simply review one self help book at a time that would be a major accomplishment because I literally have a house full of them.
If I wrote an inventory of what I have, you'ld think I was a bookstore owner or a Friend of the Library. I do love books; I just wished I loved reading them as much as having them.

I have loved science books and psychology since a young age. And now that I have made that statement, it does seem like my life won't be complete if I just sit on these reams of insight. I need to "DO SOMETHING!" as the emotioncon say when we wave over them with our mouse. If I tackled one book at a time, it would take the rest of my life. The quesion is will it be worth it? Will I get a following? Can I make a living? Or would it just be for personal satisfaction? No one knows the answers to these portences. But we never know much until we "Do it." [Nike]

Enough of my ramlings, I need to get focused now and write another letter of intent for a school district. My hope is that I get hired for the rest of the school year and do a great job as a teacher. I am a teacher through and through; it is what I do best.

I will get back here to rest and reflect.

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