
my 1st year as a "Nana."

Learn to Earn

Sunday, May 18, 2008

How many Saturdays do you have left?

I read somewhere in an email going round about a man who put marbles is a jar for the amount of Satudays that he would have left in his life. Each week (on Saturday) he would take out a marble to visulize how many weekends he would have left in his life. I think I should do something with this concept.

I feel like I am failing because I cannot do as much as I would like to do with each day and my life. time is running out on the right side of 50. If I get to live to be 100, I might make my goals. But, if my time is up by 75, a quarter of a century is just not long enough.

I need to work smarter and not harder, but damn if the time involved in learning eats away at the time I have left. How I wish I was a millionaire so that I could hire people to help me with the things that I want to accomplish.

How many Saturdays do you have left in your life? I figured out the count down in my life: Based upon the average age of death being 75 years of age, 75-54 = only 21 years times 52 weeks = 1092 Saturdays left. Anything after that will be considered extra time.
To be continued...

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